Mindfulness and Meditation

Recent studies with CKD patients have shown that safe, noninvasive and potential therapies such as mindfulness meditation and yoga can alleviate some of the biological body responses produced by CKD patients.

Mindfulness meditation is a stress-reduction technique which involves a focused awareness from patients on internal and external sensory stimuli in the present moment without judgement or cognitive elaboration. Prior studies have supported this form of meditation due to its reduction in anxiety, inflammation, and even blood pressure in various CKD patient groups.

How Mindfulness meditation works

Patients will listen to 10+ min of pre recorded guided mindfulness meditation using an MP3 player and headphones. The standard guided meditation recording includes several basic components of mindfulness: breathing awareness, mini body scan, and brief self-compassion. The core goal of mindfulness meditation is to provide the patient with the tools necessary for them to destress and to bring positive sensation to oneself, embracing a form of “loving kindness” towards one’s body.