Past Clinical Trials
Completed Clinical Trials
Omeros ARTEMIS - IgA Nephropathy
Drug name: OMS721
- Phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled
- Mechanism: the drug is an immunoglobulin G4 monoclonal antibody that binds to/inhibits mannan-binding lectin associated serine protease. Suppression of LP (lectin pathway) activation
Key inclusion criteria:
- Age ≥ 18
- eGFR ≥ 30
- Proteinuria > 1g/24h
- Immunosuppressant/cytotoxic drugs/eculizumab treatment within 8 weeks prior to screening (unless given for indications other than IgAN)
- Systemic corticosteroid treatment within 8 weeks prior to screening
Pfizer - FSGS
Drug name: PF-06730512
- Phase 2a, open-label
- Mechanism: acts as a SLIT neutralizing ligand trap to inhibit nephrin-induced actin polymerization
Key inclusion criteria:
- Age > 18 years
- eGFR > 45
- UPCR > 1.5 g/g
- any immunosuppressant medications within 28 days prior to Lead-In period (besides corticosteroids, MMF, or CNIs)
Sanofi ACT - Alport Syndrome
Drug name: Lademirsen (SAR339375)
- Phase 2, double-blind, placebo-controlled
- Mechanism: inhibition of microRNS-21 to prevent fibrosis and disease progression
Key inclusion criteria:
- Alport syndrome
- GFR 35 – 90 at screening
- Males 18-23 years old with eGRF < 90 OR ACE inhibitor/ARB dosing stable for 30 days prior to screening OR Prior eGFR Slope Criteria is defined as a decline in eGFR of ≥4 mL/min/1.73m2/year(eGFR slope ≤-4 mL/min/1.73m2/year)based on a linear regression slope analysis of≥4eGFR measurements within 3 years prior to the study and with a minimum of 2-yeartime span
- Significant/unstable cardiac disease in last 6 months
Palladio Alert - ADPKD
Drug name: Lixivaptan
- Phase 3, open-label
- Mechanism: selective vasopressin 2 receptor antagonist
Key inclusion criteria: ADPKD with previous treatment using tolvaptan
- Age 18 – 65
- eGFR > 20
- at least 2 elevated ALT levels (one 2 times the the ULN and one 3 times the ULN while on tolvaptan)
- OR based on baseline, two elevated ALT levels
- OR a pattern of ALT elevations with no other explanation
- Prior use of tolvaptan within 3 months of screening or until a previously elevated ALT level has returned to < 1xULN for at least 3 months
Reata Falcon - ADPKD
Drug name: Bardoxolone methyl
- Phase 3, double-blind, placebo-controlled
- Mechanism: activator of the Nrf2 pathway, inhibitor of the NF-KB pathway
- Promotes resolution of inflammation
Key inclusion criteria:
- Age: 18-70 (inclusive)
- eGFR: 30-90 (ages 18 to 55) and 30-44 (ages 56 to 70)
- UACR < 2500 mg/g
- Concomitant use of tolvaptan (patients must be off tolvaptan for 3 months prior to screening)
- Must be off somatostatin analogues for 3 months prior to screening