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Apply to UCLA Hospice and Palliative Medicine Fellowship

Applicants should use the Electronic Residency Application Site (ERAS) to apply.
All fellows are required to have an active California medical license to begin the fellowship program. Failure to secure an active California medical license by July 1 may result in loss of a fellow's position in the program. We accept J1 visa. All fellows regardless of training years are reimbursed at the PGY4 level. We require three letters of recommendation (one being from current or former Program Director) when applying.
Our training program includes the Greater Los Angeles Veterans Affairs Medical Center as a participating site. In order to train or work at a Veterans Health Administration facility, resident and fellow physicians in ACGME-accredited programs and paid employees must provide evidence of registration in the Selective Service program, or evidence of exempt status issued by the Veterans Affairs’ Office of Academic Affiliations (OAA) through a Status of Information letter. Please visit our UCLA GME website for further information. Please Google: UCLA GME Selective Service Registration Requirement Policy
We are anticipating our 2025-2026 fellowship interview season will be held virtually.
Need some help?
Contact Robin Catino, Fellowship Coordinator: [email protected]