Resources for Healthcare Professionals
Find your care
UCLA Health is a safe and supportive environment for transgender and gender diverse patients. Call 310-267-4334 to make an appointment.
Resources for Healthcare Professionals
We’ve listed some reliable sources of information for healthcare professionals about gender affirming care below.
The Gender Affirming Letter Access Project
10 Tips for Working with Transgender Patients (PDF)
The Transgender Law Center has created, “10 Tips for Working with Transgender Patients,” an information and resource publication for health care providers.
UCLA LBGTQ Health Initiatives: For Providers
The UCLA LGBTQ+ Health Initiatives working group has created a list of resources for providers that includes professional organizations, published guidelines and education / training materials.
Our faculty hosts a continuing medical education conference every two years for providers interested in learning more about providing affirming care. Our next conference will be held in 2027.