How to Refer a Patient

Find your care

UCLA Health is a safe and supportive environment for transgender and gender diverse patients. Call 310-267-4334 to make an appointment.

Refer a Patient to the UCLA Gender Health Program

If you have a patient you would like to refer for gender-affirming treatment or for other health care services in a gender-affirmative environment, the Care Coordination Team is here to support both you and your patient. Please reach out for details on referring patients to our wide range of services. 

For secure communication of protected health information, please use our fax number above or reach out for assistance with other options for protecting patient confidentiality. 

Referring a Patient for Surgery Consultations

To facilitate the insurance authorization and surgery scheduling process, all patients being referred to UCLA for top surgery (i.e., mastectomy, breast reduction, breast augmentation, or chest reconstruction), facial reconstruction (i.e., rhinoplasty, facial feminization, facial masculinization), or bottom surgery (i.e., genital reconstruction including phalloplasty, metoidioplasty, and vaginoplasty) should have a statement of support from a master’s level or higher-level behavioral health professional submitted prior to scheduling a consultation 

Criteria to be documented in letters of support for coverage of gender-affirming surgery may vary between insurance plans but typically include:

  • Marked and sustained gender incongruence
  • Capacity to understand and consent to treatment, including any potential impact on fertility and reproductive options
  • Discussion of risks and benefits of treatment, including any potential impacts of ongoing mental or physical health conditions.