Claudio Villanueva and Carrie Wong

The Enrichment Program will support the recruitment, mentoring and career development of trainees and early-career investigator interested in MASLD-spectrum research, including those from underrepresented backgrounds. By exposing early-career investigators to a variety of educational programs, training programs, workshops and resources, the Enrichment Program will not only support the professional growth of the next generation of liver researchers, but also increase their awareness of MASLD and its impact on the health of the diverse population of Los Angeles County. By meeting these objectives, the program will support the 'Total MASLD' theme of the center.

  • Enrichment Program Directors: Claudio Villanueva, PhD, UCLA; Carrie R. Wong, MD, PhD, UCLA

For more information, contact: [email protected] and [email protected]

ULTRA Lecture Series - Comprehensive Liver Research Center

Join us for the UCLA Liver Translational Research (ULTRA) monthly seminar series where invited guest speakers, Comprehensive Liver Research Center (CLRC) faculty and UCLA trainees present their latest research findings and discuss evolving areas of interest and collaborations in liver-related research.

Thursday, March 6 - 12:15-1:15pm | MRL-1441 | Lunch Provided

  • Bubu Banini, MD, PhD - Assistant Professor of Medicine (Digestive Diseases), Yale School of Medicine; Translational Research Director of the Metabolic Health and Weight Management Program; Associate Director, Clinical and Translational Core, Yale Liver Center

UCLA Comprehensive Liver Research Center Symposium

The Inaugural UCLA Comprehensive Liver Research Center Symposium, held on October 11, 2024, was a full-day event designed to foster collaborations, learn from scientific experts who conduct liver- and metabolism-related research from around the world, highlight current collaborations and research at UCLA, and promote the work of our junior researchers. The symposium included presentations from a keynote speaker, invited speakers from local, regional, and international institutions, and junior investigators. Liver-related research from graduate students, postdoctoral researchers, and junior investigators were featured at our poster session.

View agenda and speaker bios