Non-invasive Brain Mapping of Movement Facilitation in Parkinson's Disease
Several strategies or contexts help patients with Parkinson's disease to move more quickly or normally, however the brain mechanisms underlying these phenomena are poorly understood. The proposed studies use complimentary brain mapping techniques to understand the brain mechanisms supporting improved movements elicited by external cues. The central hypothesis is that distinct networks are involved in movement improvement depending on characteristics of the facilitating stimulus. Participants will perform movement tasks during recording of brain activity with EEG and MRI. The identified biomarkers may provide targets for future neuromodulation therapies to improve symptoms that are refractory to current treatments, such as freezing of gait.
Inclusion Criteria:
- Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease based on presence of at least 2 cardinal features (tremor, rigidity or bradykinesia) OR healthy adult with no neurologic disease
- Age > 18 years old
Exclusion Criteria:
- Dementia as indicated by score on Montreal Cognitive Assessment < 19
- Active hallucinations or psychosis
- Contraindications to MRI (metal implant, claustrophobia)