Accepting new patients
Cheryce P. Fischer, MD
- Breast Imaging|
- Diagnostic Radiology
Medical Board Certification
Diagnostic Radiology, American Board of Radiology, 1999
Nuclear Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine, 2000
Diagnostic Radiology, Indiana University School of Medicine, 1999
Radiology, Medical College of Pennsylvania Hospitals, 1997
Internal Medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital, 1995
MD, Robert Wood Johnson Medical School, 1994
Hospital Affiliations
Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center
UCLA Santa Monica Medical Center
Medical Services
- 2017-2018
Co-Investigator, LOCalizer Clinical Trial
Objective: This pilot study evaluated the feasibility of utilizing a new FDA-cleared radiofrequency tag for localization of non-palpable breast lesions and provided preliminary data for a larger study - 2018-2020
Co-Investigator, Using Radar Technology to tag abnormal lymph node for removal during surgery following neoadjuvant chemotherapy. IRB No: 17-001864, Sponsor: Faxitron Biopics, LLC
Presentations/Educational Exhibits
- Fischer CP, Patel C, Joines MJ. The Forgotten Male Breast: A comprehensive review of male breast disease. RSNA 104th Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting, Nov 25-Nov 30, 2018 (computer-based electronic poster in slide-show format). Received the RSNA Certificate of Merit Award
- DiNome ML, Kusske AM, Attai DM, Fischer CP, Hoyt AC. Radiofrequency Technology as a Non-radioactive Alternative to Wire Localization for Excision of Non-palpable Breast Cancers. Society of Surgical Oncology 72nd Annual Cancer Symposium. San Diego, CA. March 27-30, 2019
- Lee M, Sanaiha Y, Kusske A, Thompson CK, Attai D, Baker JL, Fischer CP, DiNome M. A Comparison of Two Non-Radioactive Alternatives to Wire for the Localization of Non- Palpable Breast Cancers. Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, May 25, 2020
- Dubin I, Joines M, Sung K, Zheng H, Fischer CP. Behind NME Lines: A Machine Learning Approach to Reducing MRI-Guided Biopsies of Benign Nonmass Enhancement, accepted for recorded presentation at the Society of Breast Imaging Meeting, April 2021
Book Chapters
- Bassett LW, Hoyt AC, Poon C, Tran L. Breast Imaging, In Jatoi, Kaufman [eds] Management of Breast Diseases Ch 9. Springer Book 2010
- Apple SK, Bassett LW, Poon C. Chapter 22: Invasive Ductal Carcinomas. In Bassett LW, Mahoney MC, Apple SK, D'Orsi CJ (eds.): Breast Imaging. Elsevier, 2011
- Fischer, CP. Chapter 39 - Coarse Heterogeneous Calcifications. In Lee, CI, Lehman CD, Bassett LW (eds.): Breast Imaging: Rotations in Radiology, Oxford University Press, 2018
- Bassett, LW, Poon C. Commentary for Breast Diseases: A Year Book Quarterly, Volume 20, 2009. Frequency and Upgrade Rates of Atypical Ductal Hyperplasia Diagnosed at Stererotactic Vacuum-Assisted Breast Biopsy:9-Versus 11 Gauge. AJR AM J Roentgenol.2009 Jan;(1):229-34.
- Aetna
- Anthem Blue Cross
- Blue Shield of California
- Centivo
- Cigna
- First Health
- Health Net of California
- Interplan (part of HealthSmart)
- L.A. Care
- Medicare Advantage
- MultiPlan
- UFCM Health System
- Prime Health Services
- Private Healthcare Systems (PHCS)
- UnitedHealthcare
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