Bolstering access for populations at risk for heart disease

Friends - U Magazine Winter 2025

Drs. Jayashree and Vinod Jivrajka, proud parents of three UCLA alumni, and their Jivrajka Family Foundation have pledged $2 million to establish the Jivrajka Family Foundation Chair in the Division of Cardiology at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. The chair will support a faculty member who is board-certified in interventional cardiology and has expertise in community cardiology practice leadership with a focus on delivering care to patients who are disproportionately affected by heart disease, including South Asian communities. Under the guidance of Dr. Ravi H. Dave, director of interventional cardiology at UCLA Health, funds will also support activities that will help develop cardiovascular health programming for this demographic.

“I am deeply grateful to the Jivrajka family for the trust they put in UCLA Health,” Dr. Dave said. “Their generosity allows us to enhance our efforts to deliver care where it is most needed.”

“It gives us great pride to be able to support UCLA’s mission of research, education and public service,” said Dr. Vinod Jivrajka, president of the Jivrajka Family Foundation and an interventional cardiologist. “We are grateful to Dr. Dave and his team for their dedication and ability to bring access and improve care for South Asian populations and others excessively at risk. We hope our philanthropy inspires more individuals to give in hopes of creating healthier communities.”

For more information, contact Lindsey Walton at: 424-946-6102