9th MR in RT Symposium – February 6-8, 2023

9th MR in RT Symposium – February 6-8, 2023


We are excited to announce that the 9th MR in RT symposium will be hosted on February 6th -8th, 2023 on the beautiful campus of the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) at the Luskin Conference Center (425 Westwood Plaza, Los Angeles, CA 90095). This will be the first in-person meeting after the cancellation in 2020 and the virtual 8th MR in RT symposium hosted by DKFZ in 2021.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging has recently been integrated into the radiation therapy workflow, with the advantages of superior soft-tissue imaging and real-time continuous imaging. The MR in RT symposium is an international workshop that focuses on the latest development on this topic. It is dedicated to radiation oncologists, medical physicists and dosimetrists, radiation therapists, trainees, and other allied health professionals to learn the benefits of MR applications in RT, gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and strategies for implementing MR in RT, and review current advanced research designed to explore the benefits of MR in RT. We are looking forward to seeing you at UCLA in 2023!

Scientific Committee

First NameLast NameInstitution
JamesBalterUniversity of Michigan
MinsongCaoUniversity of California, Los Angeles
YueCaoUniversity of Michigan
IndrinChettyHenry Ford Health System
CarolineChungMD Anderson Cancer Center
NesrinDoganUniversity of Miami
JenniferDolanHenry Ford Health System
MartinFastUniversity Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
AliFatemiCommunity Health System 
Clifton DavidFullerMD Anderson Cancer Center
CarriGlide-HurstUniversity of Wisconsin
O.J. (Oliver)Gurney-ChampionUniversity Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
LaurenHenkeWashintong University St. Louis
OliverJäkelGerman Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), German
PaulKeallUnversity of Sydney, Australia
AmarKishanUniversity of California, Los Angeles
AllenLiMedical College of Wisconsin
DanielLowUniversity of California, Los Angeles
TyagiNeelamMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
TufveNyholmUmeå University, Sweden
UweOelfkeThe Institute of Cancer Research, UK
KylePadgettUniversity of Miami
ParagParikhHenry Ford Health System
EricPaulsonMedical College of Wisconsin
MariellePhilippensUniversity Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
BasRaaymakersUniversity Medical Center Utrecht (UMC)
AnnRaldowUniversity of California, Los Angeles
ChristopherSchultzMedical College of Wisconsin
Jan-JakobSonkeNetherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
TeoStanescuPrincess Margaret Cancer Centre, Canada
DanielaThorwarthTuebingen, Germany
Uulkevan der HeideNetherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
Petravan HoudtNetherlands Cancer Institute, The Netherlands
JihongWangMD Anderson Cancer Center
YingliYangUniversity of California, Los Angeles
VictoriaYuMemorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
TongZhuWashington University St. Louis

RadOnc MRinRT Final Program Feb-6-8-2023
Final Program PDF with Links for Download


UCLA MRI-guided Radiotherapy (MRgRT) Academy: Building a Clinical Adaptive Radiotherapy Program - February 8, 2023

We invite you to attend a half-day clinical training course on MRI-guided adaptive radiotherapy (MRgART) in conjunction with the 9th MR in RT Symposium. This half-day training course brings together clinical experts in the field of MR-guided adaptive radiotherapy to get you prepared for the future radiotherapy paradigm. Please find the preliminary syllabus linked above. 

