Gang Li, PhD

Dr. Gang Li, a Professor of Biostatistics and Biomathematics at UCLA, is the Director of the Biostatistics and Bioinformatics Core for the UCLA Brain SPORE. He is also the Director of UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Biostatistics Shared Resource (BASE Unit).
Dr. Li is Elected Fellow of the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (2008), Elected Fellow of the American Statistical Association (2010), Elected Member of the International Statistics Institute (2000), and Elected Fellow of the Royal Statistical Society (1999). Dr. Li is Associate Editor for multiple statistics journals. His statistical research covers a broad range of areas including survival analysis, longitudinal modeling, high dimensional and large-scale data, clinical trials, and evaluation and development of biomarkers. His research papers have appeared in prestigious statistics/biostatistics journals including Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society-B, Biometrika, and Biometrics.
Besides to his methodological research, Dr. Li has collaborated extensively with basic science, translational research and clinical trial investigators. He has served as Director of Biostatistics for multiple NCI-funded P01 grants, and is a long-time collaborator with the UCLA Brain SPORE investigators. Dr. Li has been serving on UCLA's Internal Scientific Review Committee that oversee and review all cancer clinical trials at UCLA since 2007.
Dr. Li has the expertise, leadership, and experience to provide high quality biostatistics/bioinformatics support for the UCLA Brain SPORE project.