Neil (Yen-Chih) Lin, PhD
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Scientific Interests
Dr. Lin develops 3D tissue models and microphysiological systems that better recapitulate the patient responses. He also develops imaging tools that better visualize the phenotype of cells within live 3D in vitro tumor tissue.
Highlighted Publications
Lin, Neil YC, et al. "Renal reabsorption in 3D vascularized proximal tubule models." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116.12 (2019): 5399-5404.
Rein, Joshua L., et al. "Effect of luminal flow on doming of mpkCCD cells in a 3D perfusable kidney cortical collecting duct model." American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology319.1 (2020): C136-C147.
Imboden, Sara, et al. "Investigating heterogeneities of live mesenchymal stromal cells using AI-based label-free imaging." Scientific Reports 11.1 (2021): 1-11.