CPCR Monthly Seminar Series Featuring Dr. Brigitte Gomperts

“Mechanisms for Improving Mucociliary Clearance to Protect Us From Environmental Exposures”

Presented by
Brigitte Gomperts, MD
Professor, Pediatrics and Pulmonary Medicine
Associate Director of Translation, UCLA Broad Stem Cell Research Center
Co-Director, Stem Cell Biology Program
Vice Chief, Research for Pediatric Hematology-Oncology

Join via Zoom
Meeting ID: 982 7702 4280
Passcode: 715029

Sponsored by the UCLA Health Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center Center, UCLA Fielding School of Public Health and UCLA Center for Cancer Prevention and Control Research.

Open to Cancer Center members and the broader UCLA community, including faculty, trainees and staff. This is not a public event.

UCLA cancer researcher Dr. Brigitte Gomperts