Erythropoietin & Breast Cancer Stem Cells

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Clinical Trial: Breast Cancer

Erythropoietin and Breast Cancer Stem Cells

Observational Trial:  A Research Study to Determine if Molecules in the Blood Predict the Number of Tumor Stem Cells in Breast Cancer

Technical Title:  Erythropoietin and Breast Cancer Stem Cells

Basic Information:

This research study will test blood samples for evidence of molecules that may predict the number of breast cancer stem cells in tumors.  The tentative assumption for this research study is that certain substances in the blood predict the number of cancer stem cells in breast cancer.  In order to find out if this assumption is correct, blood will be frozen and stored for future examination.


We will not be able to share the results of your blood testing with you. If you volunteer to participate in this study, we would ask you to do the following things:

  • Have one blood sample (approx. 1 teaspoons (10ml)) collected before your first radiation treatment.

For More Detailed Information Contact:

Vincent Basehart
Director of Clinical Trials
UCLA Dept. of Radiation Oncology
200 Med Plaza, Suite B265
Box 695124
Los Angeles, CA 90095-6951
Ph:  (310) 267-8954
Fx:  (310) 794-1984