Effect of Radiation Therapy on Tumor Immunity

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Santa Monica - 424-259-8777

Clinical Trial: Radiation Therapy

The Effect of Radiation Therapy on Tumor Immunity

Basic Information

The tentative assumption for this research study is that cell death following radiation therapy will stimulate anti-tumor immunity which may provide a more permanent solution to treating cancer and discouraging tumor spread throughout the body.

In order to find out if this assumption is correct, white blood cells from the blood samples will be tested for tumor-specific immunity. Additional blood components and plasma will be frozen and stored for future examination.

We will not be able to share the results of your blood testing with you.


  • Have one blood sample (approx. 2 teaspoons) collected before your first radiation treatment; one sample during your radiation treatment; and one sample at your first follow-up visit.

The blood samples will be drawn in the UCLA Radiation Oncology Clinic on the B-2 Level in the 200 Medical Plaza Building.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Adults at least 18 years of age
  • Plans to undergo physician-directed radiation therapy
  • No plans for chemotherapy during radiation therapy
    • Chemotherapy treatment may be acceptable up to three weeks before the pre-treatment samples are collected, and immediately after the post-treatment samples are collected.

For More Detailed Information Contact:

Michael Steinberg, M.D., Principal Investigator   (310) 825-9775
UCLA Department of Radiation Oncology           (310) 825-6577